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Welcome to is this legal? I’m your host attorney Colin McCallin.
Hello everyone. And welcome to another amazing episode of Is This Legal. How do you know? It’s amazing. We don’t, we haven’t even started yet. No, I know. And trust me, I know we’ve gone through it. I haven’t outlined sitting right. Seen it already in your head. All right. It’s a already happened. I’m like, I’m like an Olympic skier. I’ve already seen myself go down the downhill course and break the world record. Hey, as long as you didn’t come in second place, that would be true. Second is last man. If you’re not in first, me as well be last. That’s what, that’s what, uh, my boy, my boy from the driving movie with will Farrell else says, I don’t know. I know that, uh, goose said there are no points for second place. Okay. I’ll take that one. Okay. We’ll accept that. That’s that’s top gun.Anyone for anyone who, who doesn’t know? Geez, thank thanks, Russ. A lot of people probably don’t know that that’s getting old now. Although we did just watch that with, uh, the kids and, and loved it. Oh, okay. Loved it. All right. Um, all right. So today we’re gonna be talking about social media and specifically what we’re gonna use to dive into this is the whole Chrissy Teigen saga that has been playing out across all of the lifestyle pages of every social media website, every news web site, you know, I don’t really follow that stuff, Russ and I have seen it, like it still comes across my right, you know, periphery, right. It, it kinda has a way of getting into everyone’s world. So in case you don’t know who Chrisy Teigen is, Chrisy Teigen is a American supermodel. She started off on the, um, sports illustrated swimsuit issue.
She married John Legend, who is a prolific singer songwriter, very talented guy. She is a foodie. She produced a bunch of cookbooks. Yeah, yeah, we get it. She’s every, she’s got her fingers in everything in a lot of pies, including Twitter. She kind of made a big name for herself on Twitter, like millions of followers, right. Millions of followers. And she made it by being, having these very caustic, sharp responses to other celebrities. And she went after a whole list of different people. She went after Jay Moore from Saturday night live and the kind of goes on, but what really got her in hot water is her interaction with Courtney Stodden. Courtney Stodden is a singer and actress. And Chrisy Teigen sent some very very mean. I mean, I don’t know how else you say it mean tweets to Courtney Stodden and those involved things like saying go period, two sleep period forever. Chrissy sent another one that said, go take a dirt nap or something to that effect. Courtney Stodden says that Chrisy Teigen sent via direct message, a tweet telling Courtney Stodden that she should kill herself. And those tweets were sent years ago.
Back in 2014, I think.
Exactly. And here we are in 2021.
Exactly. And, but those have resurfaced and they now have ignited this huge outrage of cyber bullying. Colin tell us what cyber bullying is.
Yeah, that’s a good question. You know, there’s no set to definition of what cyber bullying is, but I did go to, uh, stop bullying.gov. That is a, a website that is a resource for victims of bullying. And this is how they define it. Cyber bullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computer and tablets, cyber bullying can occur via text and applications or online in social media forums or gaming where people can view participate in or share, uh, share content, cyber bullying includes sending posting or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else.
So all the times that I text people that they suck, I’m cyberbullying
Someone, man, I sounds like you’re, uh, flirting with cyber bullying, man. Um, to answer your question, probably not, but the, the, you know, one of the, one of the issues here is we’re talking about this Russ. I know you’re kind of making a joke there, but, but really you, if you put something out there, you may intend it as a joke. The recipient may not. And especially if it’s like a tongue in cheek joke where you’re like making an admission that can easily be taken outta context, you know, that is, that is something that, you know, can eventually stay out there and possibly be used against you down the road.
Well, yeah, there’s the age old saying, you know, text has no tone.
That’s, that’s exactly right. And, and that’s a problem and it’s gotten people in trouble before now, um, talking about, you know, this cyberbullying, we’re not necessarily talking about a crime here, but cyberbullying can become a crime. Right? Russ,
It, it can. And, and generally what happens is it falls into another category of crime. So for example, harassment is a very obvious crime that comes to mind. Every state has a harassment statute and harassment can be committedDigitally. Right? Exactly. What you’re, what you’re saying is, uh, harassment kind of includes, can include cyber bullying, cyber stalking, those types of behaviors, right? Yeah. And, and actually you’re right. Russ, um, only three or four states in the country specifically have like a cyber bullying, uh, and anti cyber statute. That’s criminal in nature. Most other, uh, states just kind of encompass cyber bullying in another to type of crime. Like we’ve been talking about harassment, but in terms of when the line is gonna get crossed, there’s a few examples, right? Russ. I mean, if, um, if I post on your Facebook page, you I’m sick and tired of your stuff, man. You’ve left the copy of your paper, uh, out one too many times, I’m gonna come over and I’m gonna kill you tonight. What did I just do there?
I mean, you committed multiple. I mean, you committed a crime of menacing, I think, which is a felony in Colorado,
Threatening somebody, right.
Threatening someone with serious bodily injury or death right there. Um, I mean, that’s, that’s a serious crime and it doesn’t matter that you did that over email or text. It’s the same as if you had come up to my face and said thatThat’s right. And, and again, text has no tone. I could have been joking with you. We could have been having a couple of drinks earlier giving each other a hard time. But if you felt like that was a serious threat, you can report that to law enforcement. And they can probably charge me with harassment, which is a misdemeanor, if not something more serious, like the felony medicine you’re talking about.
Right. And then you can hire me to defend you and I’m making money off of this. Right,
So, so I mean, I, I feel like we, I have a plan. I know what I’m doing next week.
Uh, well, forget what I said about the copy paper. Nevermind. It’s not that big of a deal. Um, here’s some other areas where this can become criminal in nature. Okay. Let’s we we’ve seen this a million times. Uh, two people are in a relationship it’s, it’s sexual in nature. They take photos of each other photos of each other while they’re in the relationship they break up. And one partner feels just really raw and posts a bunch of naked pictures of the partner up to the internet, right? Yeah. That is against the law. You cannot do that. People have a privacy interest. If, if, if basically if they, if they, uh, even if they’re taking a photo as law, long as they have a reasonable expectation of privacy, when that photo is taken, you can’t just disseminate that to the world.
Right? Exactly. And, and that, that key term is reasonable expectation of privacy. Like you, you do not expect that that intimate photo is gonna be shared out there. Now, if it’s a different circumstance, if you’re at a topless beach, for example, and someone takes a picture of you, well, in that case, you’re kind of in a public area and it’s, it’s a very different equation at that point, but
That’s a good point. Well, and we’ll probably talk about that, that notion of putting yourself out there and, and right. You know, whether or not, uh, you assume some sort of responsibility as the poster or, or as just being somewhere where a public photo could be taken, you know, we’ll, we’ll, we’ll be talking about that.
And, and I’ll tell you for any parents out there who are parents of teen right now, this is a conversation you should have with your kids. Because if you are underage and sex, something, you are technically distributing pornography. And if it’s someone under 18, that would be child pornography. And if you text it from one person to another, even if it’s one to another, you are dis abutting child pornography.
This, this happens in high schools. This, I mean, we have seenKids, your 17 year old kid is in a relationship with his 16 year old girlfriend. They break up the 17 year old posts shows it doesn’t even have to post him anywhere, shows other people, um, explicit photos of their partner that is a sex crime that, that your son can be charged with. Um, and he, he might have to register as a sex offender. Right.
That’s how serious this is. And I’ll tell you until fairly recently, Colorado, I think closed this loophole, but it was criminally. Um, you could have been charged criminally if you just took a picture of your own intimate parts and sent it to your girlfriend, right. Or boyfriend, like, even if it’s yourself and you sent it, you could have been, you were, we were seeing cases where kids were getting charged with this. Now they weren’t going places because prosecutors at least had some perspective, but this is a conversation worth having for any parent it’s out there.Here‘s another one, Russ. Um, if you let again, let’s take the, the two teenagers who have been dating for a while. They share with each other, their, uh, username and passwords for social media, and then what happens, they break up. So, uh, the boyfriend goes online and, uh, logs in as the girlfriend and says, I, I don’t know a bunch of false information. It can be anything really. Right. Um, that is illegal. Um, and frankly that might be criminal impersonation, um, along with harassment and other statutes that
Could, along with in Colorado, it’s a computer crime. Exactly. Right. And most states have, have statutes that protect against things like that. So again, all of this stuff can be a subset of cyber bullying.
That’s Correct. And, you know, you said only three or four states have cyber bullying, specific statutes. I would expect that to increase dramatically absolutely. In the near, near term.
That, that is correct. So, um, this definitely can, I mean, being online posting, if you’re not careful, if you’re not thinking about what you’re doing, this can get you in trouble. So, you know, really this is definitely worth talking about with your kids. It’s something that you guys should all think about with regard to all of your social media use.
Cause cuz you are, you are liable for what you post. Right. Okay. And like it’s the same as a confession, right? If you commit a crime and you go out and say, Hey, I just Rob that bank, that state that you made, I just robbed that bank can be used against you. Just the same. Anything you post online is a statement that you made that can be used against you. So I don’t care if it’s you posting, I just robbed a bank. I don’t care if it’s you’re on probation for a DUI, you’re not allowed to have alcohol. And you post a picture at the bar drinking a beer.Right. Exactly.
All of that is evidence that can be used against you. You don’t get to keep that out just because it’s on your Facebook feed and oh, and you have its privacy set to only friends.
That’s correct. Yeah. And, and of course the other thing that we know about post Russ is kind of two things that post, once you click send button and you’re using it on a different platform, whether it be Twitter, Instagram, whatever, that’s no longer your property, that’s no longer that that becomes that that becomes, uh, the platform’s property. And that statement can never be withdrawn. It can never be deleted. Uh, I mean, we’re, you were talking about Chrissy Teigen. I, if I’m not, and most of these tweets and posts were made back in 2014, so here we are in 2021 talking about this seven years later. Yeah. That they’re coming back to haunt her. Yeah. So you know, you, there, there, there must be some thought that goes into what you post. At least there should be, uh, to think about. Okay. What if, if someone sees this 15 years from now, um, what’s their reaction gonna be as ridiculous as that is.
It does. It does sound ridiculous, but I mean, Chrissy Teigen’s a perfect example. Like these are old tweets, like Colin said, these, these are, these are like seven years ago.
All right. Well, I think we’re gonna take a quick break and we’re gonna play a little, is this legal well right back.
All right, everybody, here we go. It is now time for, Is This Legal?
What was up with that man?
That was phenomenal. Was that your game show announcer voice
That was outstanding and everyone out there knows it was outstanding and I’m out to digitally bully you. So I don’t want that.
Um, so, so today, ladies and gentlemen, we are going to play, is this legal with you? The listener. So Colin has a scenario. He’s gonna set it up. He’s gonna give it to you, everyone out there, put on your thinking caps because you are going to have to decide, is this legal?
And, we’re gonna wanna know how you did out there folks. Okay. So you, you gotta be you’re on the honor system. You you’re gonna have to let us know I got that one or I missed that one. SoIf you get it right and you’re driving, honk your horn 10 times,And if you’re wrong, honk 15, right? Yeah. I think that’s then we’ll, we’ll hear, you we’ll knowWe’re listening.
All right. So here we go for, is this legal, here is scenario. You listener are driving down the road. You might be driving down the road as we speak. But in this hypothetical you approach an intersection. The light in front of you is green, but turns yellow. You cross through the intersection while that light is yellow, a police officer happens to be stationary at that intersection pulls you over. He, after pulling you over, he comes up to you super aggressively. He just screams at you. You just ran a red light. Why are you driving? Like such a maniac? You politely protest. The light was yellow. I, I respectfully disagree. Officer. The officer says, are you calling me a liar? I’m gonna make sure you get the maximum penalties that I can enforce. I’m gonna indicate that you had a rude attitude. You better not do this again in my city.
Now you leave that confrontation feeling really upset. Okay? First of all, you know that you didn’t run a red light. All right. And so you decide that this is something that needs to be addressed. So here’s what you do. You look at the summons and you see the officer’s name and badge number. Then you decide to hire a private investigator to get some research done on this cop. You’re interested in finding out his name, date of birth address and cell phone number. The investigator comes through. He gives you that information and you go to your Facebook account and you post it on Facebook, all of that information. And you include a note that says, this is the personal information for the most rude and unprofessional cop I’ve ever met do with it. What you will, people you then post the information. Ooh, is this legal?
Ooh, that is, that is a tough one. Let’s let’s Give let’s, let’s let those wheels turn on behalf of our listeners. I mean, I’m the things that immediately come to mind. Uh, the first amendment, um, seems like that might have something to do with this. You can kind of say what you want. It’s a free country, free speech. It’s uh, it’sYour opinion. It’s your opinion. You have a right to express your opinion. You Know? Um, I didn’t hear a social security number. I heard kind of name, phone number, you know, interesting. Uh, what, what the person decided to share with with here.
Of course, that is some personal info.So everybody are you locked in your answer. Let’s hear those horns. Yep. Oh, wow. I’m a bunch of horns right now. I guess I still don’t know if they got it right or wrong. We need to wait five extra horn bees.Okay.
Russ, what’s the answer to the hypothetical? Is this legal or is this not legal?
This is not legal. This is what is called the doxing. So when you out someone on social media with their personal information, which is otherwise not available, that is called doxing. And especially what makes it, especially like this makes it not a gray area, because it was a cop in this scenario because you, that is one protected class where you absolutely cannot dox them. Right. You cannot disclose that information for a police officer. And you know, that is it’s frankly dangerous to the police officer.
Absolutely. It is dangerous. And you know, we’re also talking about information that is not publicly available. Okay. I mean, it, it might be a little bit different if, if the person didn’t hire an investigator and just basically Googled the cops name and maybe the, maybe the police officer has a website for a side business where he has a bunch of information about himself or, or if the police department lists that information on their website, in that, in that case, you’re not disclosing anything. That’s, that’s not easily available. Right. But on this case, you are, and, you know, places, cities, states have been moving towards more protection for things like this, right? Because it is dangerous.
Check this out Russ just about a month ago, uh, here in CA Colorado, the governor just signed a bill that expanded dosing to healthcare workers, because there were healthcare workers who were getting docked by people who, you know, patients who had an issue with the COVID 19 pandemic in terms of when it’s, whether it’s actually real or not. So we’re talking about, we’re talking about healthcare who are being targeted by this. Wow. So they actually just got special protection in may, uh, thanks to a bill that the governor just signed. So this is a real issue and yes, in this particular case, it, uh, it is illegal. So hopefully, um, hopefully we’re talking to a bunch of winners out there, but, uh, to you losers out there, you know, you come back next time, see if you can redeem your yourself.Well, I will tell you, there is a case that’s, um, that’s fairly on point with this. This is from a few years back where this was a, a man who was disgruntled with a police officer. It was more aggressive than our example, but he posted this cop’s information and essentially solicited someone to go kill this cop. And law enforcement got a hold of this. This was on social media. So like we said, this is out there, they investigated it. And they actually convicted him criminally of solicitation for, of, of murder solicitation, essentially. And, and so like anyone out there, like, you may be in the moment, but, but think about what you’re doing, like use the 24 hour rule. Right? Right. Like don’t, don’t need jerk react and just post something need Jerk reactions, I think are a big reason why people can get, get upset. I mean, you know, bit in trouble. Exactly. Right? Exactly. You know, you, you see something online that just makes your blood boil for a split second. Maybe you were already having a bad day and this was just post that you saw. It could be from a stranger or like your cousin and it just sends you over the moon. And what do you do? You react right. And often time that reaction is not a good idea. So, you know, it’s, it’s a lot of this comes down to kind, like you said, the 24 hour rule, just being a little bit more self-aware well,
And, and you know, the 24 hour rule really would prevent so much criminal liability for, for people on social media. Because like we said, anything you put out there is usable. There are multiple cases where like, like people livestream themselves driving drunk.
Right. And, and there’s, there’s a million of these cases. The most well known was it was in California where, uh, woman was in the car with her 14 year old sister was live streaming. He self-driving drunk and got in live streamed an accident that very tragically killed her sister. Oh my gosh. And like, cases like that are everywhere. Right. They’re everywhere. And so like, I mean, I’ll give you one more or it doesn’t have to be a live stream. It doesn’t have to be a video. Few years ago, there was a Brit, there was a Brit who was fed up with late airline flights. Oh man. He traveled a lot. And he was about like delays in planes. And so as he’s driving to the airport after like multiple trips where he had been delayed, he tweeted, so this is a tweet. If my plane is delayed, I’m gonna blow up this Han airport. Right. Clearly it was not right. Legit. Like he Wasn’t Banned.
To blow up the airport. Right. But he turns out he didn’t make his flightBecause he had some questions that he needed to answer for the, for the boys down at Scotland deExactly. He had his trunk, uh, search to make sure he didn’t have a hundred pounds of fertilizer in there. Yeah.They’re not going to try and figure out if you were joking or not. Right. They’re going to assume that you are not right. And that’s just something you gotta remember. Right.
So, um, alright, well, let’s shift gears a little bit and uh, let’s talk about a case that we covered a few years ago on the podcast, but it’s worth revisiting. Um, there, uh, there were two people, Michelle Carter and Conrad, Roy. Uh, this is what, uh, was known in the media as the suicide, by text case. And very quickly, a recap of that case is we’re talking about two teenagers. There was a, uh, Conrad Roy he’s a, a young man he’s 18 years old. His girlfriend was a 17 year old woman named Michelle Carter. Uh, Conrad, Roy had a long history of mental health issues. He had been suicidal many times in his life. He had suffered from acute depression. Uh, he had been on medications. He had seen multiple therapists. And, uh, and as a matter of fact, his girlfriend, Michelle Carter also had a similar background. These are two people with some troubled paths. And what it ended up happening is is that Michelle Carter starts pressuring Conrad to take his own life. She eggs him on. She says, you should just do it. You should just put yourself outta your misery. Stop being such a wimp. And, um, on one fateful night does in fact commit suicide, uh, by hook up a, a hose to his tail pipe. And he died, uh, in his truck from carbon monoxide poisoning. Um,
And she was not There and she was not there at the scene, but she was texting with him that whole night. Yeah. He was saying things like, I’m not sure I can do this. Maybe I should get outta the truck. She get back in the truck and do this. Yeah. I mean, she was, she was very, very encouraging with her text messages. Nevertheless, what happened is this, this poor young man dies. He, he commits suicide. And, uh, several days later this happens in Massachusetts. Michelle Carter gets arrested for involuntary manslaughter. Basically the theory is, is that she caused the death of Conrad Roy. Now this case went to trial and we talked about one interesting thing about the trial when it went down and to remind you, um, this was a trial to court. Her attorneys decided to waive a jury and they decided to put this case in front of a judge, hoping that judge would, would kind of see that there was maybe a disconnect between her conduct and the result. Right. Um, but Because it’s emotional and they didn’t want a jury to be emotionally making that decision because a young man tragically lost His life. Exactly. Well, that decision did not pan out well for the defense because the judge heard the evidence and the judge decided that she was guilty of involuntary manslaughter for this man’s death. Even though she wasn’t there, even though she had no physical hand in his death, she was sentenced to two and a half years in prison. She ended up getting released after 15 months of prison and has to do five years of probation. Her case went all the way to the Massachusetts, uh, uh, Supreme court. The conviction was upheld. She appealed to the United States Supreme court who declined to cure the case. So her conviction has been upheld. Uh, and that was a case that G Gar national attention, because at what point does, does a text of encouragement or something become basically becoming an accessory to, to a crime. Yeah.
Well, and that’s the ultimate example of criminal liability for what you do over text or social media, right. That’s,That’s, that’s right. And you know, at the time, you know, Russ, I remember you and I had a, a, a very, uh, we, we, we had a pretty intense discussion on that case because I think you, and I felt like the judge got it wrong. We felt like, you know, it doesn’t, there have to be some sort of break in causation here. It, ultimately, if Conrad rule physically himself got into his truck voluntarily, knowing that he was going to die, knowing that he actually, uh, created an environment where he would die. Yeah. I mean, he’s the one who did everything. He’s the one who hooked up the hose to the tailpipe, brought it over to his car. He got in his car, he started his car, he closed his door or like he, he took all of those affirmative steps. So yeah. I mean, it’s, it’s a tough, it’s a tough decision right there. And it’s, I mean, I don’t know. The judge decided what the judge decided exactly. The point is, is this certainly makes you look at this stuff pretty seriously. It’s like a, okay, wow. Here’s a real world example about how someone can be held accountable to, to a very, very serious degree for something that they just, you know, texted out to the universe.
Well, and, and I mean, the other side of it, she clearly shouldn’t have texted that stuff. She clearly like, you know, she showed no empathy. She showed no attempt to intervene. No, no attempt to get help. So, I mean, that’s the other side, like she sh her actions were so callous. Oh. And, and, and believe me, when I, when I, when I’m defending her, it’s not based on what she did. It’s more, the legal theories that we have regarding, you know, a person’s accountability. What she did was ho was horrible and reprehensible, right. Uh, the debate was whether or not it should be criminal, but that’s, that’s a real world example of, of how serious this can become.So looping back to Chrissy Teigen, she texted that stuff out, but it wasn’t as continuous as it was in this case. And no one, no one killed herself. Right. So in this, it would be a super far reach to try to assign criminal liability to Chrissy Teigen for what she did. Right. All right. So, Colin, I think we’ve talked about enough, really heavy stuff.
Yeah, Man, I think we need to lighten the load a little bit.
Levity is the word of the moment.
Laughter is the best antidote Medicine. It’s the best medicine and Antidote. I know it’s I know that’s fun.It is time for D C O T W Criminal of the week. So this one, we are reaching back in our vaults for this one. This one comes from overseas again.
All Right. We’re going back over time. So we are overseas, but we’re gonna talk about Americans overseas. Oh, So, so we’re, we’re using some dumb Americans. These are two young American women from California. They are 21 and 25 euros, years old. They are doing a tour of Italy and no tour of Italy is complete without seeing a Coliseum. Absolutely. This almost 2000 year old monument to Roman civilizations, this engineering, Marvel that has withstood the test of time.
I mean, it’s where David fought Goliath.
I’m not sure if that’s where David fought Goliath, but
Was it? No, I made that up, but, uh, yeah. I mean, you know,
But, but it could have been, it seems like an app setting, But it’s definitely where like a bunch of bears were like chained to tigers to the death.
I mean, of course it’s where the Mon used fought the caps.
All Right. I think it’s gonna be where the people who like mayonnaise fight the people who miracle whip, that’s coming up in 2 20, 21, get your tickets now.
Clearly mayonnaise.
Everybody knows the Colosseum. I think that’s what we’re trying to say.
That’s what we’re trying to say. So, so they’re on a tour, these two young American women, and they break away from the guided tour and they have a coin because there’s there’s metal detectors. You can’t bring in like any, any metal you can’t bring in your shiv or your knife Leave that machete at home.
Right. The machete definitely stays at home, but they had a coin. And so they snuck away and they etched into the bricks of this monument, their names. Oh. So, but it doesn’t, it doesn’t end there. They didn’t just do that and say, oh, good enough. We really left our mark. And now everyone threw out the future will remember Monica and Sally. They then took a selfie right by the etching and then old selfie. They posted it. Oh, let’s get it on social media. So everyone can see that. We did deface a 1900 year old monument.
So is that the end of the story,
Russ and no, unfortunately for them, uh, there was some follow up.I would, I would imagine, uh, the folks in Italy, uh, Rome specifically had some issue with the fact that the home of David and Goliath just got tarnished. So, so terribly the, the home of ketchup versus mayonnaise.Ketchup. Yes.
Ketchup, right. That’s in 2022. That’s right.
So they were, they were found very easily. Their names were posted with it. It was their count. Um, and they were, they were charged and they were fined somewhere around $10,000 each.
Okay. So they didn’t go to jail. They did not go to jail. There was boy, that kind of surprises me.Yeah. Well, you know, Europeans are not as jail happy as Americans are. Yep. We’re we, we don’t lead the world in the number of incarcerated people for no reason.
Yeah, exactly. Right. All right. So, um, knucklehead, huh?
Yeah. Knucklehead. How many,
I mean, again, this one strikes me as having multiple layers of stupidity here. Okay. First of all, let’s just talk about the fact that you’re defacing, uh, the Roman Coliseum, horrible idea right there, but then you add a whole nother layer of stupidsville when you post that thing to anybody and everybody that can see it and being proud of it. Like, I look what we just did. I, I am gonna go four on this one. I’m gonna go four knuckle heads. Uh, I don’t know exactly. What’s withholding me from the full five. This just feels like a solid four. Um, you know, Sally and Monica, you just need to become a little less stupid.
You know, your description of your four knuckle heads just really struck me and I have to wholeheartedly agree. All right. I think that four is the right number of knuckleheads here. I think they are incredibly dumb. Um, however, they just don’t quite rise to the level of five that we’ve seen.
At least they stayed outta jail. Like, I don’t know.
They stayed outta jail. They, yeah. I mean, they stayed out outta jail. I don’t know what else they didn’t get caught right away. I guess. I mean, I’m, I’m reaching now.
I don’t know why. Maybe it should be fine. They didn’t back to a tour guide and say, well, but we just did.Can we get a selfie with you? Like they didn’t do that.
That would’ve been a full five.
That would’ve definitely been,would’ve been a six. If the, if the, if the, uh, guy had actually agreed and got him a, that would’ve been amazing. Um, all right, Russ. Well, does that pretty much cover our topic today?I think that covers it. So everyone out there stop the cyber bullying people
Stop the cyber bullying. If you like, Chrissy Teigen, pray for her. If you don’t post some nasty things about her. AndI will say this in all seriousness, if you got there, they’re actually a ton of resources out there. If you or someone, you know, is a victim of, uh, cyber bullying or bullying in general, go to stop bullying.gov. That’s just one of many online resources for parents, for teens, for anybody out there who’s experiencing this. So with that, anything I else, Russ,Nothing else. Thank you for listening. And we will see you next time. AllRight. Byebye,You’ve been listening to Is This Legal?