The holidays are upon us complete with holiday lights, good cheer, and of course, holiday and New Year parties. As the season gets into full swing, the police are also preparing. Each year DUI patrols are increased, and DUI checkpoints are established around the holidays. This year will be no different. We have heard from multiple sources connected to the Denver Police Department confirming that there will be both DUI sobriety checkpoints, as well as increased DUI patrols around the New Year. DUI units will be out pulling vehicles over for any and all moving violations, including defective headlights and taillights. Checkpoints will be established on busy roads which have a history of DUI stops. Once you enter these checkpoints you will not be able to exit,and your sobriety will be evaluated. Following these 3 easy steps will have you well on your way to avoiding an unplanned trip to jail this season.

Make a plan before you begin drinking. It is never a good idea to “play it by ear” when drinking alcohol and driving. Once you have your first drink, your decision-making ability is already being affected. Using your judgment after drinking will often lead to bad decisions including driving under the influence of alcohol. Pace your drinking. While alcohol levels vary widely based on weight, sex, and various other factors, the human body is generally able to process 1 standard drink per hour. This means 1 oz. of liquor, 6 oz. of wine, or 12 oz. of beer. Keep your eye out for micro-brews and other drinks which have unusually high alcohol content as well as bartenders who give generous pours! If you keep it to less than 1 drink per hour, you should be in good shape.

When in doubt, call a cab. After drinking, there commonly comes a time when people try to figure out if they are safe to drive. Don’t do it! If you have to ask yourself the question, the answer is no. A $50 Uber ride is far cheaper than the $10,000 that you would pay for your DUI. The attorneys at Hebets & McCallin have been practicing criminal law in the state of Colorado for over 25 years, with an emphasis on DUI defense. For more information or if you or a loved one has been charged with a DUI please contact one of the expert attorneys at Hebets & McCallin. We offer free consultations and would be happy to assist. Have a happy and safe holiday season!