Your Right to Remain Silent
We have all seen it in TV shows and in the movies, “You have a right to remain silent and anything you say can and will be used against you.”
It’s engrained in our thought process, yet if we’re ever in that situation where we’re pulled over for a traffic stop and an officer’s got a mag light in your face or if you’re on your front porch answering questions from a police officer who wants to talk to you about something, maybe you don’t even know what he wants to talk to you about, the point is, it’s an intimidating situation and you don’t even think about it, you start talking to the police and you can talk yourself right into a jail cell.
This is a big mistake on the part of average citizens because you have a 5th amendment right to not talk to the police, unless you want to which you should never do until after you’ve spoken with an attorney. The 5th amendment to the constitution is everyone’s right. Use it and exercise it.