Colorado is getting ready for the annual 4/20 celebration, and we at Hebets & McCallin are doing our part. We created a legal guide to 4/20 to let you know what is and is not legal with regard to the purchase and possession of both medical and recreational marijuana. For those who don’t know, April 20 is a day celebrated by cannabis users across the world. At 4:20 pm on April 20, thousands of people gather in Denver’s Civic Center Park and other public locations to smoke marijuana in the open. With the implementation of Colorado’s Amendment 64, which legalized the sale of marijuana to any individual over 21, we are expecting this year to be one of the biggest 4/20 celebrations ever.
We decided to put together a Google Hangout to talk about the legal particulars of this holiday. We invited Bryan Jarvis, who manages Medicinal Oasis, a Denver recreational and medical dispensary, to talk about his business, upcoming 4/20 promotions, and what a person needs to purchase marijuana in Colorado. We also invited Mark Carlson, currently a private investigator with Carlson Investigations and a former police detective with the Brighton police department to talk about the anticipated law enforcement response to these 4/20 rallies and concerts. We also took a couple questions from both local and out of state individuals who are planning celebrating here in Colorado in an effort to clarify the current state of the law.
We hope you enjoy this video as much as we did making it. We encourage people to have a happy and safe 4/20 experience. If you have any questions about marijuana legal dos and don’ts, give us a call at 303-756-3231. Thanks!