Here we go again. Just as she was hoping to be free of her supervised probation from a 2007 DUI conviction, Los Angeles prosecutors officially charged Lindsay Lohan with felony grand theft over allegedly taking a $2,500 necklace from a jewelry store in California. The 24 year old actress was just released from court ordered drug rehabilitation 5 weeks ago. If convicted, Lohan could face 16 months to three years in a California state prison, depending on the value of the property stolen and the criminal record of the defendant.

A top criminal defense lawyer in Denver noted that in Colorado the charge would be a class 4 Felony for theft of anything $1000 or more but less than $20,000. Possible penalties would be 2-6 years in prison + up to a $500,000 fine.

Lohan’s attorney has denied the charges and stated that they intend to fight the allegations in court.

To read more see CNN article.