criminal defense

Hebets & McCallin

You Refused a Blood or Breath Test: What Now?

If you are pulled over and suspected of a DUI in Colorado, you are legally obligated to submit to a blood or breath test that will evaluate how much alcohol is in your system. If you refuse to submit to either of those options during the time of your arrest, there will be several major consequences. Read on for more details and our advice on the topic.

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Colin McCallin

Do a Hate Crime, Do Hard Time

In 2021, hate crimes in America rose to their highest level in twelve years. Along with the invasion of COVID-19, the virus that began taking its hold in China, hate crimes against Asians increased 150% between 2019 and 2020. The civil unrest related to the killings of George Floyd and other Black men at the hands of the police ushered in an uptick of hate crimes against Black people. Some argue that racial tension in the United States has reached a boiling point and that hate crime legislation has not done enough to curb violence and criminal behavior related to race and sexual orientation. On the other hand, some say that federal hate crime legislation goes too far and oversteps state laws. In this article, we explore the history of hate crime legislation, its evolution, and the purposes behind it.

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Colin McCallin

Do You Lose Your License for a DUI? Five Things to Know

A DUI charge in Colorado comes with numerous inconveniences, among them the possible loss of your driving privileges through the DMV following an administrative hearing. What does that process look like? How long does the revocation last? Is there a way to challenge the DMV revocation? Read on for our free legal advice!

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Russell Hebets

Antics with Semantics

The law is alive, and responds dramatically to changes in our interpretation of it. When people's guilt or innocence of a crime is in question, we can't make those changes carelessly.

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Russell Hebets

The Weinstein Trial and Sentencing Ranges

Harvey Weinstein's trial has brought into focus a part of the criminal justice process that many people wonder about: the wide ranges of prison terms that are available to judges at sentencing. Let's have a look at why this is the case.

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