White Plains, New York mayor Adam Bradley was convicted of domestic violence charges stemming from several episodes in the past year with his estranged wife, Fumika Bradley, who claimed he slammed her fingers in a door and threw scalding tea on her. Bradley was convicted of 5 of 9 domestic violence charges, including attempted assault, harassment, and criminal contempt, for violating an order of protection. Many following the case, including Criminal attorneys in Denver, will wait to see if Bradley will resign from his office, despite his comments to the contrary immediately after leaving the courthouse.
Denver domestic violence lawyers also point out that that while the statistics show that a majority of domestic violence charges are committed against women, that’s not always case. Last week Colorado Springs Police responded to a domestic disturbance call and found a woman holding a man at knifepoint. The female suspect was sitting on top of a man, holding an eight inch butcher knife to his throat, and only relinquished the weapon after law enforcement threatened to use deadly force.
To read more see, NY Times article.